Thursday 2 December 2010

Peppermint as a medicine for flu and infections

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) as a drug:

Chemical composition: The  leaves of the plant contain 1-3% etheral oil with about 50% menthol, 4-11% esters of menthol, 7-25% mentenon, piperiton, cineol, menten, felandren, terpens, 3.5-12% tanning extracts, sour substances, karotionids, etc.

Based on review by Professor Hr. Ahtrardjiev, Head of Pharmacognosy Research at the Pharmaceutical Faculty at the Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria (1981)

Action and application: Peppermint has an antiseptic and pain-relieving effect on the upper respiratory tract infections and bronchitis and it is also helpful in treating functional disorders of the stomach. 

The oil from the plant in small doses  increases the appetite, suppresses vomiting and spasms of the stomach. Peppermint increases liver and pancreas excretion and fights infection.  The menthol widens blood vessels in stenocardin.

The drug should be taken as an infusion.  Two teaspoons of the drug are added to 200 g. boiling water and soak for 20 min. Then it is filtered and taken three times daily in 200 g. doses, one hour after meals.
Peppermint is included in BronchoPam, a unique herbal tea blend for the bronchial and immune systems.

More interesting information about plants as medicines on: 

By Dr. Pamukoff, MD, Phytotherapy, Director of Pam Medica Research London

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