Sunday 5 December 2010

Treatment of Flu and Bronchitis

Seasonal flu or influenza is caused by three types of viruses: influenza A, B, and C. As flu is caused by viruses, antibiotics should not be used since they are only effective against bacteria. Using antibiotics in patients who do not have bacterial infections promotes the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which may lead to serious problems later in life and greater mortality.

Anti-inflammatory drugs and plants may be used to treat fever and sore throat. Linden (Tilia argentea) is excellent to treat fever. Place 2 to 3 teaspoons of the herb in 200 ml of boiling hot water. Allow to steep for 20 minutes. Drink 2 to 3 cups per day. Sweeten with honey for better taste and effect.

Sage (Salvia Officinalis) and Peppermint (Mentha Piperita)  have strong anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. They are used in BRNCHO PAM. The antiinfluenza virus effect of the combined plant preparation BRONCHO PAM was studied. It inhibited considerably the reproduction of influenza viruses in hen embryonated eggs. The infectious titres of treated viruses were reduced. Dr. Pamukoff has observed with thousands of patients that the effect of BRONCHO PAM is seen after 2 to 5 days

BRONCHO PAM is also beneficial for bronchitis. The herbs in BRONCHO PAM act by supporting the natural defence mechanisms of the human body. They also have antiviral properties and repair damaged lung tissue. The total size of your lungs structure is as big as a football stadium and for that reason it can take 2 to 6 months to heal serious forms of bronchitis. Unlike the effect of synthetic medicines the results appear slowly but with staying power.

Acute bronchitis often develops during the course of an upper respiratory infection such as the common cold or influenza.  About 90% to 95% of cases of acute bronchitis are caused by viruses.

Only about 5% to 10% of  bronchitis cases are caused by a bacterial infection.  For that reason antibiotics should not be given without tests, as they are effective only in 5% to 10% of the cases. They are only recommended is if examination of Gram stained sputum shows large numbers of bacteria present.
Through repeated occurrences, acute bronchitis becomes chronic bronchitis. In this instance not only functional but also morphological changes occur. The breathing cells in the lungs are replaced by connective tissue. The surface of lungs is not fully used and breathing is not normal. The body lacks oxygen to make hemoglobin and so it suffers.

Chronic bronchitis also develops as a result of a person constantly breathing dusty air or being exposed to air pollution. Seasonal allergies can additionally complicate this condition.

In our next article we will review in greater detail chronic bronchitis.

More interesting information about plants as medicines on:

Thursday 2 December 2010

Peppermint as a medicine for flu and infections

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) as a drug:

Chemical composition: The  leaves of the plant contain 1-3% etheral oil with about 50% menthol, 4-11% esters of menthol, 7-25% mentenon, piperiton, cineol, menten, felandren, terpens, 3.5-12% tanning extracts, sour substances, karotionids, etc.

Based on review by Professor Hr. Ahtrardjiev, Head of Pharmacognosy Research at the Pharmaceutical Faculty at the Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria (1981)

Action and application: Peppermint has an antiseptic and pain-relieving effect on the upper respiratory tract infections and bronchitis and it is also helpful in treating functional disorders of the stomach. 

The oil from the plant in small doses  increases the appetite, suppresses vomiting and spasms of the stomach. Peppermint increases liver and pancreas excretion and fights infection.  The menthol widens blood vessels in stenocardin.

The drug should be taken as an infusion.  Two teaspoons of the drug are added to 200 g. boiling water and soak for 20 min. Then it is filtered and taken three times daily in 200 g. doses, one hour after meals.
Peppermint is included in BronchoPam, a unique herbal tea blend for the bronchial and immune systems.

More interesting information about plants as medicines on: 

By Dr. Pamukoff, MD, Phytotherapy, Director of Pam Medica Research London

Saturday 20 November 2010

Cold, flu and respiratory infections

Respiratory infections are due to viruses which are able to invade the body when the immune system is weakened due to flu, colds or exposure to extreme cold, humidity or dusty air.

Herbal treatments can help in the beginning stages of the disease, before pneumonia sets in. In the acute stage of the disease, the treatment should be administered only in a hospital. The herbal treatment is aimed at strengthening  the immune system, encouraging or suppressing coughs, and eliminating infection.

Drugs that fight infections, spasms, and bacteria of the infected mucus of the mouth, trachea, and bronchial tube are used. Such herbs include peppermint and thyme.

More interesting information about bronchitis and BronchoPam is published in a study by the American Botanical Council called Mistletoe: Good for More Than Free Kisses, HerbalGram. 2005; 68:50-59 American Botanical Council

Mistletoe: Good for more than free kisses 

In our next blog we will talk about Chronic Bronchitis.

By Dr. Pamukoff, MD

Dr. Pamukoff (Dr. Pamukov) is a world-famous doctor renowned as one of the founders of Scientific Phytotherapy. Scientific Phytotherapy is a medical discipline that examines the biochemical components of healing herbs and their remedial effect using modern research methods. He has worked with medicinal plants since 1942.

Now in his late 80’s he still invents new formulas based on his unique experience and knowledge about good health.

Dr. Pamukoff has won many international awards including the award of the State Administration for Traditional Chinese Medicine, granted to very few leading scientists outside of China for their exceptional contribution to the advancement of natural medicine.

Over 2 million copies of his books have been printed in several languages. His most famous books are entitled Natural Pharmacy (the title has been also translated by some authors as Nature’s Pharmacy, both translations are correct), first edition in 1981. Another famous book is Home Pharmacy, first published in 1992.

Over 540,000 patients from all over the world have been cured in his Scientific Phytotherapy Clinic with herbal remedies. Dr. Pamukoff has been so popular and successful that he established one of the first Phytotherapy practices in Europe that has been officially working for a Ministry of Health with the task of combating difficult medical conditions such as obesity, asthma and epilepsy. It became one of the pioneering and leading natural clinics worldwide. In 2007 Dr. Pamukoff initiated PAM MEDICA, an international entity with head office in London that focuses on research and development of new Phytotherapy formulas as well as their production and marketing.

Many celebrities have been treated in the clinic of Dr. Pamukoff – actors, singers, writers, scientists as well as politicians. A section devoted to the scientific work of Dr. Pamukoff and the Scientific Phytotherapy Clinic is written in the historic book ‘'Green Pharmacy’' (London 1981) by Barbara Griggs. The book presented an authoritative study on the history and evolution of herbal medicine and received excellent reviews by leading scientists and journalists.

More interesting information about plants as medicines on